
​​​​​QatarEnergy LNG operates to the highest standards of integrity and expects the same high standards of its employees, contractors and suppliers. Fraudulent acts by or against the Company will not be tolerated. In order to fight fraud, QatarEnergy LNG is introducing “whistle-blowing” procedures that will allow anyone to report concerns and information regarding known or potential frauds. These procedures are available to both employee​s and external stakeholders, such as, contractors, employees of suppliers and former employees.​


Responsibility for preventing, reporting and investigating fraud​​​​

Fraud should be everyone's concern. It is a risk across the entire industry with damaging consequences for all parties concerned. The QatarEnergy LNG Code of Business Ethics specifically states that "All QatarEnergy LNG Employees are expected to act in a manner that will enhance the Company's reputation for honesty, integrity and reliability". QatarEnergy LNG​ believes that this responsibility is also shared with its suppliers, shareholders and other stakeholders who have a similar interest in the Company's long-term success and its contribution to the State of Qatar.​

QatarEnergy LNG Internal Audit, under the terms of its charter, has a duty to investigate areas of concern, including reports of potential fraud. Internal and external stakeholders can provide valuable assistance to QatarEnergy LNG and to Internal Audit by reporting their concerns at the earliest opportunity.​

You can use this pa​ge to report concerns about known or suspected frauds anonymously and in confidence.​​​​​​​

​Information received will be treated as strictly confidential. You will be provided with an opportunity to provide contact details, since it may help us to investigate the issue in full, if we can discuss it with you. However, should you wish to remain anonymous, please leave the contact details blank.​

Messages left via this page will be directed for further investigation. Pers​ons who do not wish to use this page to report their concerns can write (anonymously) to the Chief Internal Auditor, QatarEnergy LNG, P.O. Box 22666, Doha, Qatar.

​​What happens next?​​

​All concerns reported will be reviewed by an experienced fraud examiner. Where there is sufficient information to investigate and corroborate the concerns this will be carried out by QatarEnergy LNG Internal Audit. Whilst it is not essential, it will be helpful if persons reporting issues can provide contact details as this will assist any future investigation.​​

What should be reported through Fraud Reporting Site:

  • Concerns or information about potential fraud or illegal activity carried out by QatarEnergy LNG employees or departments;

  • Concerns or information about unethical behaviour on the Part of QatarEnergy LNG or QatarEnergy LNG employees;

  • Concerns or information about any fraudulent activity carried out by employees, contractors or other outside parties against QatarEnergy LNG.

What should not be reported through Fraud Reporting Site:

  • Concerns of a personal nature, e.g. harassment, unfair treatment in the workplace or issues relating to compensation and benefits.

  • Concerns relating to safety or security.

  • Issues relating to potential conflicts of interest.

  • Concerns relating to contractor performance.​​
